Giving FAQs
Do you accept matching gifts from companies?
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match donations made by their employees. If you need help navigating that conversation, just let us know.
Can I obtain a copy of AFRJ financial statements?
Yes, you can contact us to request a copy of our annual report, audit, and 990.
How do I increase or cancel my monthly contribution?
To make any changes to your recurring gift: 1) Log in to your giving profile. 2) Find your recurring giving. 3) Click the edit button next to it.
What methods of payment does the AFRJ accept?
Credit/debit card, check, cash, wire transfer, money order, donations of stocks, tangibles, and services.
If I would like to send a check, who do I make it out to and where do I send it?
207 Serenity Place
Smithville, TN 37166
Can I donate anonymously?
When making a donation online, you will need to enter personal information for processing payment. However, you can choose to omit your name from showing up on the public campaign page.
Are there fees associated with giving to the AFRJ?
When giving online, there are fees charged by the credit card company and the online giving platform. Each donor can choose to cover those fees or allow the AFRJ to pay them.
What is a recurring donation and how do I set one up?
A recurring donation is a monthly gift that is automatically set up to be paid on the same day of each month in the same amount. Just choose “monthly” instead of “one-time” when giving online, and you are set to go!
How do I change the credit card information for my monthly gift?
You will need to login to your giving profile. Next to your listed recurring donation, you will click “edit” and change your billing information.
Is my gift tax deductible?
Yes, the AFRJ is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of US law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your US taxes, please keep your donation receipt. You will receive a receipt automatically when giving online, and via mail otherwise.
Will I receive a receipt?
Yes, all donations will receive a giving receipt. If you have not received your giving receipt, please contact us.
How can I help the AFRJ raise money?
You can become a fundraiser, join a fundraising team, or host a fundraising event. Share your idea with our team, and we’ll help you get it done!

In addition to these recognitions for excellence in financial transparency and accountability, you may reach out to us any time for a copy of our financial audits, form 990, or annual impact report. Please contact us for more information.
The AFRJ® is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) humanitarian aid organization. EIN# 46-3460947. All gifts are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
Turn your passion into actionRaise Funds for the AFRJ

Raise Funds
Run a 5K, donate your birthday, host a danceathon, organize a bake sale… Your imagination is the limit!

Host a Gathering
Host a fundraising gathering to educate people about the AFRJ and the issues of human trafficking. We can help!

Company Match
Double your gift to the AFRJ with a participating employer. You can find us in most corporate giving programs (e.g. Benevity, Truist, United Way, and more)!