Get to KnowOur Team

From our founding board, to our officers, staff, Council members, interns, fellows, and volunteers —every one of the amazing individuals that make up the AFRJ team are committed to ending human trafficking and protecting the vulnerable - through our core values of excellence, innovation, and collaboration.

Meet OurFounding Board

Ashleigh Chapman

Ashleigh Chapman


Ashleigh S. Chapman, JD is a human rights lawyer, social entrepreneur, and one of USA Today's Women of the Year. Ashleigh has spent 20+ years building solutions in education, business, legal, nonprofit, government, healthcare and community sectors – on behalf of the world’s most vulnerable populations. She is the founder of the AFRJ®, Altus Solutions™, the Freedom Council™, Engage Together®, and Justice U™.

Connect with Ashleigh on LinkedIn

Tom Miller

Tom Miller


Kathleen Mckee

Kathleen Mckee


Leadership Team

May Collins

Secretary, AFRJ Freedom Council
May Collins

Secretary, AFRJ Freedom Council

Melvin Collins

Technical Support Lead
Melvin Collins

Technical Support Lead

Art Druckenmiller

Chief Financial Officer
Art Druckenmiller

Chief Financial Officer

Marj Garrean

Special Projects
Marj Garrean

Special Projects

Erin Gerrits

Finance & Marketing
Erin Gerrits

Finance & Marketing

Robert Hoggard

Website Developer
Robert Hoggard

Website Developer

Shally Pannikode

Chair, AFRJ Freedom Council
Shally Pannikode

Chair, AFRJ Freedom Council

Heather Ricks

Administrative Assistant
Heather Ricks

Administrative Assistant

Joe & Linda Roslansky

Student Council
Joe & Linda Roslansky

Student Council

Jessica Samuel

Educational Initiatives
Jessica Samuel

Educational Initiatives

Heather Strozier

IT Enablement & Delivery
Heather Strozier

IT Enablement & Delivery

partners & donors

We could not accomplish all that we do without our amazing corporate partners and donors.  We invite you to join them - and us - in making a world of impact today.

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